Showing 13–19 of 19 results


Mucogingival Esthetic Surgery

Original price was: € 260,00.Current price is: € 249,00.

Zucchelli, Giovanni

Mucogingival esthetic surgery is dedicated to the treatment of mucogingival esthetic alterations. These may be caused by gingival recession, often in association with abrasion and/or root caries or, conversely, altered passive eruption. The aims of mucogingival esthetic surgery may also be to augment gingival width and height around prostheses or implants and to fill out edentulous ridges. Techniques for edentulous ridge augmentation
are addressed in the second volume. This volume describes and illustrates mucogingival surgical techniques as applied to native teeth or implants, with the chief aim of satisfying the patient’s esthetic requirements.


Recipes for Composite Restorations

Original price was: € 258,00.Current price is: € 244,00.

Ronaldo Hirata

Although many dental manuals have been called “cookbooks”, none has ever embraced the style so fully as this new book. In its pages, the practitioner is fully reimagined as a master chef, and 26 esthetic restorative protocols are presented as gourmet recipes, ready to be learned and savored. The purpose of this book is to encourage true mastery of the fundamentals while avoiding the most common pitfalls. Dr Hirata demonstrates how to make the most of composite materials by focusing on the details and techniques that can really improve the final results. In restorative dentistry, the key is to use the right materials with the best technique. However, that is not enough. Any chef knows that once you have learned the fundamentals, your best work must also reflect your personal character, and the same goes for the work of restorative dentists. By focusing on the skillful use of the right ingredients and tools, this tour de force will teach you how to take the heat and take your restorative protocols to the next level. Keep it simple. Master the basics.



Restoring the Intraradicular Space: Esthetic Post Systems

Original price was: € 158,00.Current price is: € 149,00.

Douglas A. Terry

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 21,9 x 24,9 cm, 268 pages, 895 illus
Language: English


Too often patients with fractured teeth are referred for extraction and implant placement with little consideration given to the conservative option of post and core treatment. But it has been demonstrated that endodontic and implant therapies have equivalent results when the treatments are appropriately chosen and performed at a high level of expertise. After all, advancements in endodontic technology and instrumentation have allowed the clinician to visualize, identify, and treat complexities they could not have fathomed a decade ago, and advancements in restorative material formulations have expanded the treatment possibilities for the patient, clinician, and technician. This changing technology has allowed the clinician to treat many clinical challenges through simpler, more conservative, and more economical methods. As such, this text provides a detailed and scientific description of the evolution of the post and core system and the significance of the adhesive design concept when restoring the intraradicular post space. The author presents the various applications and restorative techniques that he uses on a daily basis for restoring the post space, and the esthetics speak for themselves. Every aspect is covered, from general design criteria and the components of the post and core systems to post materials, adhesive bonding and luting agents, material selection, core buildup, and finally, the extracoronal restoration. The clinical protocols are illustrated meticulously and with stunning quality, and additional video and scientific content can be accessed via QR codes. If you want minimally invasive treatment with maximal esthetics, this book is for you.




Soft Tissues and Pink Esthetics in Implant Therapy

Original price was: € 348,00.Current price is: € 228,00.

Cardaropoli, Daniele / Casentini, Paolo

Each chapter of this highly practical guide begins with a question-and-answer section that addresses clinicians’ most frequently asked questions: Why are “pink esthetics” the most important factor in determining a good treatment outcome? When is immediate postextraction implant placement preferable, and when is it safer to carry out preservation or augmentation of the ridge? When and how can a keratinized tissue band be properly reconstructed or peri-implant soft tissues be augmented? How are peri-implant esthetic complications treated? Citing from the literature, the authors review the prevailing best evidence to provide guidelines for treatment. With more than 90 clinical cases demonstrating a wide range of therapeutic needs, the authors explore compelling case examples to provide step-by-step analysis of techniques and explain the best treatment options in different clinical scenarios. This book offers answers to dilemmas that every clinician faces in daily practice and outlines clear strategies for achieving optimal treatment results.


The Art of Treatment Planning

Original price was: € 220,00.Current price is: € 129,00.

Dental and Medical Approaches to the Face and Smile

Romano, Rafi (Editor)

Proper dissemination of knowledge in the dental specialties is currently one of the biggest obstacles to consistent improvement in care. This book examines the treatment-planning process from a multidisciplinary perspective in an effort to balance the very complex process of diagnosis with the need for simplicity and coherence. Innovations in techniques and materials appear on a daily basis. At the same time, patients today demand individualized treatment plans that address not only their dental and/or esthetic problems but their self-image and personal expectations as well. Like its predecessor, The Art of the Smile, this book promotes theoretical understanding while offering practical insight and clinical guidance. It is intended for the beginner and the advanced clinician alike, each seeking the tools necessary to achieve an optimal result.


The Digital Revolution 2.0 Clinico-Technical Applications in Daily Practice

Original price was: € 179,00.Current price is: € 167,00.

Alessandro Agnini / Andrea Mastrorosa Agnini

Technology has irreversibly changed our profession, ushering in a historical period full of challenges and opportunities. Leveraging digital tools to diagnose, design, plan, motivate, and execute corrective therapies is crucial for success in today’s highly competitive business environment.

Planning investments, creating partnerships, facing and overcoming the learning curve, involving the team, and making technology a daily routine by stepping out of one’s comfort zone are just some of the challenges for success in contemporary dentistry.



Tooth Wear

Original price was: € 320,00.Current price is: € 289,00.

Didier Dietschi / Carlo Massimo Saratti / Serge Erpen

This publication does not pretend to be a textbook; rather, it is a review of clinical procedures that can help the practitioner to find a proper protocol and select a suitable material to more selectively treat the various forms of tooth wear. It is based on more than 20 years of experience in this ever-increasing pathology. It is a ‘cookbook’ in a certain sense, with the main focus being the prevention of tooth wear progression with the use of noninvasive and affordable procedures in the proper timeframe, bearing in mind that comprehending this pathology is a lifelong endeavor. If there was no opportunity to intervene early enough, you will also find the ‘recipes’ needed for the proper use of indirect and CAD/CAM-produced restorations.

ISBN: 978-1-78698-115-8