Showing 25–36 of 74 results

Innovations in Preventive Dentistry


Christian H. Splieth (Editor)

Prevention is better than healing … or treatment. Thus, preventive dentistry is a cross-sectional challenge for all fields in dentistry, and one that has already achieved great success, as shown by the caries decline in many countries. The walls between prevention and treatment have recently fallen in caries and periodontal disease, as well as in orthodontics, where guidance of function and space maintenance are a combination of prevention and treatment.

This book discusses new developments and innovations in preventive dentistry, from primary “real” prevention to secondary prevention by inactivating initial lesions, and on to tertiary prevention to avoid subsequent progression and
complications of manifest oral disease. This evidence base is then translated into clinical dental practice.

The book addresses everyone interested or involved in dentistry, including students, the whole dental practice team, educators, health scientists, and policy makers, who want to gain insight into these up-to-date clinical practices and future developments. It intends to make an impact on teaching and all fields of clinical dentistry – not by giving cookbook recipes, but by pointing out the rationale behind the changes in our routines.

Presented by an international group of recognized specialists in their fields, the topics include the new understanding and management of caries and periodontal disease, prevention of orthodontic problems, diagnostic approaches, the role of diet and according recommendations for oral health, routes to better oral hygiene, changes in oral disease patterns and their consequences, non- and minimally invasive caries treatment, current fluoride guidelines including the use of silver fluorides, risk management, a common risk-factor approach, facilitating behavior changes, sealants, and probiotics. This broad spectrum is elucidated for the most relevant dental problems from early childhood to seniors to implement preventively oriented dental practice.


Interdisciplinary Esthetic Dentistry, The Big Picture

Original price was: € 360,00.Current price is: € 339,00.

Eric Van Dooren / Florin Cofar / Victor Clavijo / Gustavo Giordani / Venceslav Stankov

Eric Van Dooren and Florin Cofar’s new book, produced in collaboration with Victor Clavijo, Gustavo Giordani, and Venceslav Stankov, explores the intersection between conventional esthetic dentistry and the digital world. Eric Van Dooren, regarded as one of the world’s leading periodontists, shares the knowledge he has accumulated over the course of his career and highlights the digital protocols that improve and enhance esthetic treatment results.

The book examines the fields of fixed prosthetics, implantology, and periodontics from an esthetic point of view. The authors provide keys to simple and complex esthetic treatments, whether performed with analog or digital protocols. An entire volume is dedicated to orthodontic treatments and their harmonious integration into the treatment plan. Finally, the last volume focuses on implant-prosthetic treatments and the frequent interventions they require.

Inventarisatie (mond)gezondheidsproblemen van ouderen


Wim Klüter, Cees de Baat

‘Inventarisatie (mond)gezondheidsproblemen van ouderen’ is een praktisch boek over de integrale zorg voor ouderen met het accent op de mondzorg. De inhoud richt zich vooral op tandartsen en mondhygiënisten die de zorgverlening aan (kwetsbare) ouderen willen verbeteren. Aan de hand van een gestandaardiseerde probleeminventarisatie komen onderwerpen aan de orde die voor de hedendaagse praktijkvoering vereist zijn. Zorgverlenen aan ouderen begint bij kennis en inzicht. Mondzorgverleners zullen de komende jaren in toe nemende mate zorg moeten verlenen aan kwetsbare ouderen. Dit zal bij voorkeur op basis van een integraal zorg(leef)plan dienen te gebeuren. Het interpreteren van meetinstrumenten en het opstellen van een mondzorgplan – wezenlijk verschillend van een tandheelkundig behandelplan– zijn competenties die iedere tandarts dient te beheersen. Dit boek behandelt kort de essentiële onderwerpen die daarvoor nodig zijn en sluit aan bij de vervolgopleidingen in de gerodontologie. Er zijn twee mondzorgplannen als voorbeeld opgenomen.

Kratochvil’s Fundamentals of Removable Partial Dentures


Chang, Ting-Ling / Orellana, Daniela / Beumer III, John

In the 1960s, Professor F. J. Kratochvil recognized the importance of biomechanics in removable partial denture (RPD) design and used these principles to develop a new design philosophy. This “RPI system”—a clasp assembly consisting of a rest, a proximal plate, and an I-bar retainer—changed how clinicians approach partial denture design and is now used throughout the world. This textbook provides an overview of Kratochvil’s design philosophy and the basic principles of biomechanics it is based upon. Topics include components of RPDs and their functions, design sequences for maxillary and mandibular RPDs, and techniques for surveying and determining the most advantageous treatment position. A chapter dedicated to digital design and manufacturing of RPD frameworks highlights new technology in this emerging field. Additional topics include optimizing esthetic outcomes through attachments and rotational path RPDs as well as applying the RPI system to patients with maxillofacial defects. The authors provide illustrations of clinical cases throughout the book as well as an illustrated glossary of prosthodontic terminology. This textbook will prepare students and general practitioners to design and fabricate a biomechanically sound RPD framework for just about any dental configuration they encounter.


Layers 2

Original price was: € 248,00.Current price is: € 229,00.

Direct Composites: The Styleitaliano Clinical Secrets

Jordi Manauta / Anna Salat / Walter Devoto / Angelo Putignano

Layers 2. Direct Composites: The Styleitaliano Clinical Secrets is an essential reference that addresses everyday clinical challenges in esthetic and restorative dentistry by outlining innovative techniques, step by step. Focusing mainly on composite materials, which are the present and future of conservative and esthetic treatments, the authors reinforce their expertise and experience of more than 20 years in esthetic dentistry by providing an important synthesis of the state of the art.

Including interviews with:
Stefen Koubi • Rade Paravina • Newton Fahl • Weber Adad Ricci • Walter Devoto • Lorenzo Breschi • Nitzan Bichacho • Ronaldo Hirata • Nasser Shademan • Roberto Spreafico • Didier Dietschi • Louis Hardan • Angelo Putignano • Miguel Roig Cayó


Microsurgical Endodontics

Original price was: € 195,00.Current price is: € 179,00.

Khayat, Bertrand / Jouanny, Guillaume

Choosing the right approach to endodontic treatment is important because failure can lead directly to extraction. Endodontic surgery is a therapeutic solution that is too often overlooked, which is surprising given that it is a reliable technique with a very high success rate. Not only is endodontic surgery more conservative than conventional endodontic treatment, but it can also be used to resolve difficulties that are inaccessible by conventional approach. Written by two specialists in the discipline, this book outlines predictable surgical strategies and presents more than a hundred clinical cases through each stage of treatment. This book provides concrete and practical information so that endodontists who want to implement surgical techniques can approach their first cases with the knowledge they need.


Modern Esthetic Dentistry

Original price was: € 170,00.Current price is: € 159,00.

An A to Z Guided Workflow

Musella, Vincenzo

This atlas synthesizes the latest technologic advances in esthetic dentistry and shows how to successfully integrate them into clinical practice. Part I begins with a chapter on dental photography that focuses on the correct settings and use of equipment needed to obtain high-quality images for documentation and communication with patients and the laboratory. Subsequent chapters present the steps involved in the esthetic preview, which provides the opportunity to try out a proposed treatment and make adjustments before undertaking any procedures, increasing patient acceptance and satisfaction.

Molar Incisor Hypomineralization


Katrin Bekes

Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) has become a much-discussed topic of interest that presents major challenges for dental professionals in practice and research. It is defined as a qualitative enamel defect that typically occurs on one or more first permanent molars with or without the involvement of the permanent incisors. This book serves as a comprehensive reference that critically appraises the controversies around MIH found in the scientific literature. Practical advice about diagnosis and treatment of the disease is provided, and the various clinical treatment options are explained in detail. The text is written for dental practitioners, postgraduate and undergraduate students and researchers, as well as anyone who would like to expand their knowledge of this contemporary topic in everyday clinical dentistry.


Mucogingival Esthetic Surgery

Original price was: € 260,00.Current price is: € 249,00.

Zucchelli, Giovanni

Mucogingival esthetic surgery is dedicated to the treatment of mucogingival esthetic alterations. These may be caused by gingival recession, often in association with abrasion and/or root caries or, conversely, altered passive eruption. The aims of mucogingival esthetic surgery may also be to augment gingival width and height around prostheses or implants and to fill out edentulous ridges. Techniques for edentulous ridge augmentation
are addressed in the second volume. This volume describes and illustrates mucogingival surgical techniques as applied to native teeth or implants, with the chief aim of satisfying the patient’s esthetic requirements.


Mucogingival Esthetic Surgery around Implants

Original price was: € 360,00.Current price is: € 329,00.

Giovanni Zucchelli / Claudio Mazzotti / Carlo Monaco / Martina Stefanini

This book masterfully illustrates the importance of soft tissues for the esthetic and functional success of implants. The authors trace their paths for each clinical scenario step by step and share how to master the technical management of the periodontal tissues. The proposed treatments combine innovative and traditional solutions to tackle every situation, including “impossible” clinical cases. This work represents an undisputed point of reference for peri-implant soft tissue surgery and offers a guided journey between biology, esthetics, and surgery.

Noncarious Cervical Lesions and Cervical Dentin Hypersensitivity


Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Soares, Paulo V. / Grippo, John O. (Ed.)

Cervical dentin hypersensitivity (CDH) and noncarious cervical lesions (NCCLs) are common findings in modern clinical practice. Although research has shown that NCCLs are a multifactorial condition involving the three mechanisms of stress, biocorrosion, and friction, few dentists know how to treat them effectively. Similarly, CDH has been an enigma for many years, and research has focused on etiology instead of treatment. In addition, little attention has been given to their mutual etiologic mechanisms of cervical stress concentration from occlusal loading and endogenous/exogenous biocorrosion. Therefore, this book approaches CDH and NCCLs together and outlines the history, mechanisms, and, most important, the clinical methods of treatment for these pathologies. It is about time we as dentists learn how to treat and prevent these conditions in clinical practice. This involves greater diagnostic effort and alteration of treatment protocols to (1) reduce dietary intake/exposure to acids, (2) manage reflux diseases, and (3) consider the significance of occlusal therapies. After reading this book, the student or clinician will be able to diagnose and treat clinical cases of NCCLs and CDH.


Occlusal Adjustments in Implants and Natural Dentition: 3D Occlusion

Original price was: € 148,00.Current price is: € 48,00.

TMJ pathology related to occlusion: etiopathology and treatment

Jiménez-López, Vicente

Includes CD-ROM with more than 200 Animations

This book offers a meticulous analysis of occlusion, one of the most important specialties in dentistry, because a healthy stomatognathic system depends on it. The book covers the dentition, tooth and implant bone, gingiva, tooth and implant-borne prostheses, masticatory muscles, ligaments, TMJ, articular capsules, disks, etc.
The problems that can lead to “malocclusion” depend on patient emotional stress, grinding, clenching, and the jaw being out of occlusion and its proper position. The book also covers referred pain, which can mimic joint symptoms caused by neck and masticatory muscle problems. Headaches and facial pain may be diagnosed as being atypical and may be really due to occlusionrelated muscle problems (masseters, temporalis, etc.), including neck muscles. There are many!