Showing 49–60 of 74 results


Recipes for Composite Restorations

Original price was: € 258,00.Current price is: € 244,00.

Ronaldo Hirata

Although many dental manuals have been called “cookbooks”, none has ever embraced the style so fully as this new book. In its pages, the practitioner is fully reimagined as a master chef, and 26 esthetic restorative protocols are presented as gourmet recipes, ready to be learned and savored. The purpose of this book is to encourage true mastery of the fundamentals while avoiding the most common pitfalls. Dr Hirata demonstrates how to make the most of composite materials by focusing on the details and techniques that can really improve the final results. In restorative dentistry, the key is to use the right materials with the best technique. However, that is not enough. Any chef knows that once you have learned the fundamentals, your best work must also reflect your personal character, and the same goes for the work of restorative dentists. By focusing on the skillful use of the right ingredients and tools, this tour de force will teach you how to take the heat and take your restorative protocols to the next level. Keep it simple. Master the basics.



Reintervention in Endodontics

Original price was: € 180,00.Current price is: € 149,00.

Zuolo, Mario Luiz / Kherlakian, Daniel / de Mello Jr, José Eduardo / Coelho de Carvalho, Maria Cristina / Ranazzi Cabral Fagundes, Maria Inês

The days of compromised retreatment are over. This book helps practitioners navigate each stage of endodontic retreatment successfully, from understanding the indications for retreatment to optimal reobturation of the canal. Written by a team of experienced specialists, this exceptional textbook explores the various options and approaches for retreatment and relies on evidence from the literature and experience from clinical practice to make recommendations for the most predictable protocols and techniques.


Restoring the Intraradicular Space: Esthetic Post Systems

Original price was: € 158,00.Current price is: € 149,00.

Douglas A. Terry

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 21,9 x 24,9 cm, 268 pages, 895 illus
Language: English


Too often patients with fractured teeth are referred for extraction and implant placement with little consideration given to the conservative option of post and core treatment. But it has been demonstrated that endodontic and implant therapies have equivalent results when the treatments are appropriately chosen and performed at a high level of expertise. After all, advancements in endodontic technology and instrumentation have allowed the clinician to visualize, identify, and treat complexities they could not have fathomed a decade ago, and advancements in restorative material formulations have expanded the treatment possibilities for the patient, clinician, and technician. This changing technology has allowed the clinician to treat many clinical challenges through simpler, more conservative, and more economical methods. As such, this text provides a detailed and scientific description of the evolution of the post and core system and the significance of the adhesive design concept when restoring the intraradicular post space. The author presents the various applications and restorative techniques that he uses on a daily basis for restoring the post space, and the esthetics speak for themselves. Every aspect is covered, from general design criteria and the components of the post and core systems to post materials, adhesive bonding and luting agents, material selection, core buildup, and finally, the extracoronal restoration. The clinical protocols are illustrated meticulously and with stunning quality, and additional video and scientific content can be accessed via QR codes. If you want minimally invasive treatment with maximal esthetics, this book is for you.




Restoring with Flowables

Original price was: € 148,00.Current price is: € 139,00.

Douglas A. Terry

This book showcases the many applications of next-generation flowable composites and presents each of them in step-by-step fashion including 5 videos. With the adhesive design concept and the injectable resin composite technique, these flowable composites can expand dental treatment options, improve precision and predictability, and reduce chair time. Clinical applications include anterior and posterior composite restorations; pediatric crowns; bonding indirect restorations; developing the ovate pontic site; eliminating cervical tooth sensitivity; enhancing internal adaptation; immediate dentin sealing; provisional fabrication, modification, and repair; rebonding the fractured ceramic restoration; repairing fractured denture teeth; tooth splinting; developing a post and core; developing the functional composite prototype; mandibular anterior composite veneers; and restoring form and function, among others. The early chapters describe the evolution of flowable resin composites and the science underpinning the adhesive design concept, and the later chapters are divided into case presentations of the many applications of this concept. Each case presentation includes the various adhesive preparation designs, restorative techniques, adhesive protocols, and finishing procedures involved. By using the right materials and protocols with this adhesive design concept, you will be able to develop natural-looking restorations while providing superior treatment to your patients.

Scientific Dentistry United abonnement

 39,50 79,00

Ja, ik neem een abonnement op Scientific Dentistry United met daarin nieuws en artikelen van de wetenschappelijke verenigingen. U ontvangt het tijdschrift viermaal per jaar op een door u opgegeven adres. Na de gekozen abonnementsperiode is het abonnement per nummer opzegbaar. Als nieuwe abonnee ontvangt u een welkomstgeschenk.

Gaat u stoppen met werken en wilt u toch het tijdschrift blijven ontvangen, dan is er speciaal voor u het pensioen jaarabonnement: een éénjarig abonnement dat automatisch stopt.


Slow and Grow

Original price was: € 280,00.Current price is: € 259,00.

Primitivo Roig

Today, there is much talk of being disruptive in life and business, of interrupting the status quo or of reinventing the rules. This two-volume book describes a different approach to dentistry by using the author’s signature SLOW method to effectively GROW your practice and your enjoyment of the profession. The focus is on maintaining effective personal relationships in a world of marketing and digital communication, where it is often necessary to compete for the patient’s attention. The book offers a vision of doing more with less, prioritizing quality, and enjoying the emotional bond with the patient as well as the dental team. It discusses methods to compete successfully in a global market and find greater fulfillment in dentistry and in general by optimizing personal human connections.





Soft Tissues and Pink Esthetics in Implant Therapy

Original price was: € 348,00.Current price is: € 228,00.

Cardaropoli, Daniele / Casentini, Paolo

Each chapter of this highly practical guide begins with a question-and-answer section that addresses clinicians’ most frequently asked questions: Why are “pink esthetics” the most important factor in determining a good treatment outcome? When is immediate postextraction implant placement preferable, and when is it safer to carry out preservation or augmentation of the ridge? When and how can a keratinized tissue band be properly reconstructed or peri-implant soft tissues be augmented? How are peri-implant esthetic complications treated? Citing from the literature, the authors review the prevailing best evidence to provide guidelines for treatment. With more than 90 clinical cases demonstrating a wide range of therapeutic needs, the authors explore compelling case examples to provide step-by-step analysis of techniques and explain the best treatment options in different clinical scenarios. This book offers answers to dilemmas that every clinician faces in daily practice and outlines clear strategies for achieving optimal treatment results.

Stability, Retention and Relapse in Orthodontics


Katsaros, Christos / Eliades, Theodore (Ed.)


This book offers a thorough analysis of retention and stability of the orthodontic treatment results. The book is divided into three sections. The first three chapters (Section I: Orthodontic Retention) deal with the historical aspects of retention, the biological basis for relapse, and the available evidence on retention; the next six chapters (Section II: Dentofacial Treatment Stability and Relapse) cover the stability and relapse tendency of orthodontic treatment of incisor irregularity, class II, class III, transverse, and vertical problems, as well as orthognathic surgery outcomes; the final four chapters (Section III: Retention Protocols and Materials) cover retention protocols and materials, including removable and fixed retainers, the materials and biomechanics of fixed retention, and the long-term effectiveness of fixed retainers. Within the content of the book, a number of reasons are given for the lack of stability of the therapeutic outcome, as well as the development of potential unwanted effects at the retention stage.

Successful Periodontal Therapy


A Non-Surgical Approach

Heasman, Peter A. / Preshaw, Philip M. / Robertson, Pauline

Non-surgical treatment of patients with gingival and periodontal diseases can be undertaken by the general dental practitioner through the management of common and well-established risk-factors and the use of treatments adjunctive to conventional methods of scaling and root surface instrumentation. The goals and objectives of these procedures and the importance of supportive periodontal care are fully examined in this book.


Suturing Techniques in Oral Surgery

Original price was: € 135,00.Current price is: € 129,00.

Siervo, Sandro

Proper management of soft tissues in periodontal, implant, and reconstructive surgery has become increasingly important for esthetic treatment outcomes. In order to achieve correct postoperative positioning of the soft tissues, clinicians must have a comprehensive understanding of wound healing and suturing. Drawing on a series of clinical cases, this book outlines suturing techniques for the most common surgical procedures, providing indications as well as techniques for implementation. The detailed illustrations and tables clarify difficult technical concepts, and a quick reference guide consolidates the essential information for each suture type.


The Art and Science of Contemporary Surgical Endodontics

Original price was: € 198,00.Current price is: € 179,00.

Torabinejad, Mahmoud / Rubinstein, Richard (Ed.)

This book begins with a concise review of the basic science of tissues and then moves into diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical procedures in endodontics, with an emphasis on the use of enhanced magnification, ultrasonic tips, microinstruments, newer root-end filling materials, and CBCT. Chapters on the maxillary sinus and its relation to surgical endodontics, soft and hard tissue healing, and adjunctive surgical procedures and considerations such as management of procedural accidents, resorption, root amputation, hemisection, replantation, transplantation, crown lengthening, grafting materials, and pharmacology are followed by an assessment of the outcomes of surgical endodontics based on current evidence. The accompanying DVDs present valuable videos demonstrating many of the procedures. These features provide the reader with a textbook that is concise, current, and easy to follow in an interactive manner. Written by a team of leading authorities and richly illustrated, this new compendium of state-of-the-art knowledge and protocols is essential reading for practicing endodontists and residents alike.


The art and science of Minimal Intervention Dentistry and Atraumatic Restorative Treatment

Original price was: € 84,95.Current price is: € 79,00.

Jo E. Frencken

The creator of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) has written the definitive guide to the science and practicality of both ART and its emerging sister philosophy Minimal Intervention Dentistry (MID) which together will form the future of managing dental caries.