Showing 61–72 of 74 results


The Art of Treatment Planning

Original price was: € 220,00.Current price is: € 129,00.

Dental and Medical Approaches to the Face and Smile

Romano, Rafi (Editor)

Proper dissemination of knowledge in the dental specialties is currently one of the biggest obstacles to consistent improvement in care. This book examines the treatment-planning process from a multidisciplinary perspective in an effort to balance the very complex process of diagnosis with the need for simplicity and coherence. Innovations in techniques and materials appear on a daily basis. At the same time, patients today demand individualized treatment plans that address not only their dental and/or esthetic problems but their self-image and personal expectations as well. Like its predecessor, The Art of the Smile, this book promotes theoretical understanding while offering practical insight and clinical guidance. It is intended for the beginner and the advanced clinician alike, each seeking the tools necessary to achieve an optimal result.


The Digital Revolution 2.0 Clinico-Technical Applications in Daily Practice

Original price was: € 179,00.Current price is: € 167,00.

Alessandro Agnini / Andrea Mastrorosa Agnini

Technology has irreversibly changed our profession, ushering in a historical period full of challenges and opportunities. Leveraging digital tools to diagnose, design, plan, motivate, and execute corrective therapies is crucial for success in today’s highly competitive business environment.

Planning investments, creating partnerships, facing and overcoming the learning curve, involving the team, and making technology a daily routine by stepping out of one’s comfort zone are just some of the challenges for success in contemporary dentistry.


The Ortho-Perio Patient


Clinical Evidence & Therapeutic Guidelines

Eliades, Theodore / Katsaros, Christos (Ed.)

Although most orthodontic curricula provide courses on interdisciplinary orthodontic-periodontic treatment, there are still surprisingly few resources on the topic. Written by leading scholars in the field, this book provides a broad analysis of the topic from both the periodontal and orthodontic perspectives. The authors systematically analyze the scientific and clinical interactions of these specialties by reviewing all the available evidence and using case studies to demonstrate principles discussed in theory. The result is a text that outlines the treatment fundamentals and shows how to improve the therapeutic outcomes involving orthodontic-periodontic interventions.


The Science and Art of Occlusion and Oral Rehabilitation

Original price was: € 280,00.Current price is: € 255,00.

Gross, Martin

This book fulfils the need for an up-to-date extensive evidence-based text encompassing didactic and clinical fields relevant to occlusion and oral rehabilitation that reflects changing paradigms, concepts, new clinical disciplines and expanding therapeutic options.


The Tongue

Original price was: € 148,00.Current price is: € 139,00.

Andreas Filippi / Irène Hitz Lindenmüller (Editor)

As the largest organ in the oral cavity, the tongue not only plays a primary role in masticatory and speech function—it is also a significant indicator of health, demonstrating signs of both oral pathologies and diseases that can affect the entire body. Because no health care provider gets the opportunity to examine a patient’s tongue as often as the dentist, it is essential for dentists to recognize when there may be a problem with the tongue and what the problem is. In addition to an overview of tongue anatomy and general diagnosis and treatment recommendations, this book contains an atlas of more than 50 specific diseases and health concerns that may present signs and symptoms in the tongue. Each is outlined in a quick-reference table describing etiology, prognosis, and more and is accompanied by photographs of different ways the condition can present. A true diagnostic aid, this guide will allow clinicians to identify and address any abnormality a patient’s tongue may exhibit.



Original price was: € 298,00.Current price is: € 279,00.

Leandro Chambrone / Gustavo Avila Ortiz

The success of periodontal and implant-related plastic and reconstructive surgical therapy is based on several fundamental principles, including an understanding of tissue characteristics in both health and disease, proper selection and use of surgical armamentarium, adequate flap design and management, and an understanding of the properties and indications of different graft materials. All of these elements are interconnected and must be considered in the process of treatment planning and patient care. This book beautifully weaves together clear narrative and stunning visuals to illustrate the five core components of periodontal and implant-related plastic and reconstructive surgical therapy—the tissues, the tools, the flaps, the grafts, and the surgeries—and how to manage them successfully in contemporary clinical practice. A true masterpiece in periodontology.

Tooth Preparations


Science & Art

Pagani, Clovis

Tooth Preparations: Science & Art by Prof. Clovis Pagani and co-authors is a fully illustrated guide on tooth preparations, a fundamental part of daily dental practice. It contains essential theory and sound practice, including more than 700 high-quality 3D images. The most current concepts on tooth preparations for indirect restorations are covered, with a focus on biological care, preservation in operative procedure, and precision. The book is divided into eight chapters, covering topics such as restorative planning; state-of-the-art principles, sequences, and tools for preparations; intra- and extracoronal restorations; compromised teeth; adhesive milled restorations; minimally invasive preparations; and preparations for CAD/CAM restorations. This book provides a clear and objective outline of different conservative preparation designs indicated for a variety of clinical situations and is an indispensable addition to the collection of all restorative dentists.


Tooth Wear

Original price was: € 320,00.Current price is: € 289,00.

Didier Dietschi / Carlo Massimo Saratti / Serge Erpen

This publication does not pretend to be a textbook; rather, it is a review of clinical procedures that can help the practitioner to find a proper protocol and select a suitable material to more selectively treat the various forms of tooth wear. It is based on more than 20 years of experience in this ever-increasing pathology. It is a ‘cookbook’ in a certain sense, with the main focus being the prevention of tooth wear progression with the use of noninvasive and affordable procedures in the proper timeframe, bearing in mind that comprehending this pathology is a lifelong endeavor. If there was no opportunity to intervene early enough, you will also find the ‘recipes’ needed for the proper use of indirect and CAD/CAM-produced restorations.

ISBN: 978-1-78698-115-8


Treatment of Endodontic Infections

Original price was: € 198,00.Current price is: € 179,00.

José F. Siqueira, Jr / Isabela N. Rôças (Editor)

Apical periodontitis is one of the most common inflammatory diseases that affect humans and is caused by microbial infection of the dental root canal system. A thorough understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of apical periodontitis is essential for high-quality endodontic practice based on a solid scientific foundation. The first section of this book deals with microbiologic and pathophysiologic aspects of the different manifestations of apical periodontitis, while the second section describes the best evidence for predictable treatment and prevention of the disease. Clinical techniques and protocols to treat endodontic infections are described in detail. This new edition boasts a team of renowned authorities in the field who contribute state-of-the-art evidence about the biology and practice of the endodontic treatment of teeth with infected root canals. The content is supplemented with numerous full-color illustrations and radiographs. This book is a definitive guide for those involved with the prevention and treatment of endodontic infections.


Treatment Planning in Restorative Dentistry and Implant Prosthodontics

Original price was: € 168,00.Current price is: € 155,00.


Rodrigues, Antonio H. C.

Treatment planning is commonly considered one of the most important phases of any dental treatment and vital for achieving successful long-term results. However, most dental schools do not offer courses exclusively designed for comprehensive planning, and comprehensive planning is rarely discussed at scientific meetings because it is considered a basic topic that practitioners should already understand. This knowledge gap leaves practicing clinicians with few options beyond using their own intuition to solve problems, which is highly unpredictable. Therefore, this book presents clinical guidelines for planning treatments in restorative dentistry and outlines a clear, objective, and simple thinking process that can be easily applied in daily practice, essentially providing the reader with a roadmap to be used as a reference from the very initial procedures until final restorative treatment. Part 1 describes how to identify existing problems by gathering, organizing, and analyzing information obtained during clinical examination. Examination checklists and forms are included to ensure that no important information is left out during the evaluation process. Part 2 focuses on providing solutions to identified problems via restorative treatment options, highlighting the use of implant-supported restorations in the treatment of both partially and completely edentulous arches. Part 3 details how to present treatment options to the patient and includes aspects related to patient education, treatment plan presentation, and obtaining informed consent from the patient. Altogether, this book will transform the way you treatment plan your cases.


Understanding Bruxism

Original price was: € 127,00.Current price is: € 121,00.

Current Knowledge and Practice

Laluque, Jean-François / Brocard, Daniel / d’Incau, Emmanuel (Hrsg.)

Bruxism is one of the “diseases” of the XXI century and acknowledgment of its destructive nature in the last fifteen years highlighted the hesitations of the profession and the questions of patients.

Since the first book dedicated to bruxism, knowledge has rapidly improved to define today different types of bruxism in what used to appear as an “unmanageable” phenomenon.

Thanks to a better understanding of bruxism during the last decade, the treatment of patients with bruxism is not only more conservative but also dental practitioners can consider diverse etiologies or aggravating factors that may lead to a differential diagnosis with several potential therapeutic approaches conversely to what has been done for too many years.

This well-researched book, with many international contributors, is currently the best available overall summary on bruxism for the dental practitioner and the most conservative answer for treatment of patients.


Vertical 2: The Next Level of Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation

Original price was: € 248,00.Current price is: € 229,00.

Urban, Istvan

In the author’s bestselling first book, Vertical and Horizontal Ridge Augmentation: New Perspectives, published by Quintessence in 2017 and translated into 12 languages, the guided bone regeneration (GBR) technique was described in detail. This new publication, Vertical 2: The Next Level of Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation, is a continuation of that book but at a more advanced level. Now, the author delves into the details where the devil lives, and shares information that has never been revealed before on the topic of vertical ridge augmentation. It is important to read this book armed with the knowledge from the first book as you will need it on this second journey with him.

A major part of this book comprises full-color, step-by-step images of patient cases. At times, reading it is like watching a surgical video, where the author ‘stops the video’ to discuss with you, the reader, what he is thinking and doing at that step, what his next step will be, and the reason for it.

Included again are the well-appreciated ‘Lessons learned’ sections, where the learning objectives are emphasized and further notes given, including ways to further improve the techniques. The section on the mandible is more detailed in this book, with the focus on larger defects and the different surgical steps in native, fibrotic, and scarred tissue types around the mental nerve during flap advancement.

In addition, light is shed on the detail in treating the anterior maxilla, which has not been published previously. It includes treatment options such as the fast track, the safe track, and the technical track of soft tissue reconstruction in conjunction with bone grafting as well as papilla reconstructions after bone regeneration. The section on the posterior maxilla hopes to resolve issues such as the management and complications of combined ridge and sinus grafting, including difficulties such as the lack of buccal, crestal or nasal bony walls of the posterior maxilla before bone grafting.

In this must-have new publication, the procedures are kept simple, repeatable, and biologically sound. The techniques presented are not overcomplicated; they are simple treatment strategies with lower complication rates and more predictability in the final outcome.