Showing 73–75 of 75 results


Vertical 2: The Next Level of Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation

Original price was: € 248,00.Current price is: € 229,00.

Urban, Istvan

In the author’s bestselling first book, Vertical and Horizontal Ridge Augmentation: New Perspectives, published by Quintessence in 2017 and translated into 12 languages, the guided bone regeneration (GBR) technique was described in detail. This new publication, Vertical 2: The Next Level of Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation, is a continuation of that book but at a more advanced level. Now, the author delves into the details where the devil lives, and shares information that has never been revealed before on the topic of vertical ridge augmentation. It is important to read this book armed with the knowledge from the first book as you will need it on this second journey with him.

A major part of this book comprises full-color, step-by-step images of patient cases. At times, reading it is like watching a surgical video, where the author ‘stops the video’ to discuss with you, the reader, what he is thinking and doing at that step, what his next step will be, and the reason for it.

Included again are the well-appreciated ‘Lessons learned’ sections, where the learning objectives are emphasized and further notes given, including ways to further improve the techniques. The section on the mandible is more detailed in this book, with the focus on larger defects and the different surgical steps in native, fibrotic, and scarred tissue types around the mental nerve during flap advancement.

In addition, light is shed on the detail in treating the anterior maxilla, which has not been published previously. It includes treatment options such as the fast track, the safe track, and the technical track of soft tissue reconstruction in conjunction with bone grafting as well as papilla reconstructions after bone regeneration. The section on the posterior maxilla hopes to resolve issues such as the management and complications of combined ridge and sinus grafting, including difficulties such as the lack of buccal, crestal or nasal bony walls of the posterior maxilla before bone grafting.

In this must-have new publication, the procedures are kept simple, repeatable, and biologically sound. The techniques presented are not overcomplicated; they are simple treatment strategies with lower complication rates and more predictability in the final outcome.


Vertical and Horizontal Ridge Augmentation

Original price was: € 218,00.Current price is: € 199,00.

New Perspectives

Urban, Istvan

This exciting new book expertly describes key features of vertical and horizontal ridge augmentation, containing chapters on: the surgical anatomy of the floor of the mouth; the steps involved in mandibular ridge augmentation, including the modified lingual flap and the protection of the mental nerve during flap advancement; anterior maxillary ridge augmentation, including eight chapters devoted to the key steps in this process from papilla reconstruction of single tooth defects to papilla regeneration after vertical ridge augmentation in multiple missing teeth; a step-by-step description of severely resorbed complete maxillary reconstruction using guided bone regeneration (GBR) and simultaneous sinus augmentation, with a separate chapter on growth factor applications using BMP-2 and PDGF in conjunction with newly developed GBR perforated membranes; and complications of membrane exposure and the management of different degrees of graft infections. The user-friendly format is underscored by the unique “Lessons Learned” sections, which reflect on most of the cases described, making suggestions about what could have been done differently to achieve even better results. These sections contribute to making this book a useful and honest account of the clinical practice of ridge augmentation with GBR.


Zero Bone Loss Concepts

Original price was: € 198,00.Current price is: € 182,00.

Linkevičius, Tomas

Bone loss is still a major issue that dentists encounter, but it is a complication that can be prevented. By combining clinical experience with peer-reviewed scientific evidence, the author of this book has put together a guide that any implant specialist will find invaluable to prevent bone loss in their patients. Different strategies are presented that can be used to achieve zero bone loss years after treatment. Because successful treatment depends on both the surgical and prosthetic components, the book is divided into two parts, each focusing in depth on what must be done in each phase to promote bone stability. Case presentations detail many types of clinical situations, implant choices, and prosthetic solutions, all backed by evidence-based clinical studies that have proven success.